The Crests of Power and How They Were Discovered

None were supposed to be able to survive the psionic feedback of having a full crest inside them, and we weren't in the mood to tempt fate more than we already had.

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Chakat Thornbrier & AP&R History

Hir unknown psionic talent with teleportation proved most advantageous aiding hir team in earning the grand championship twice. this brought ap&r considerable standing and profit as sole providers of hir many patented armor and teleportation components.

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter8

Portion by portion, he began to transfer the image files of the paperwork he had psionically mapped in order to start the packet flow, reaching for the jump drive which he had found left in the security systems.

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Weapon - Awakening

"and of course there's her psionic, which has a range of about twenty five feet, has proven able to manipulate things down to the size of a human hair with pinpoint precision and cut through steel and armour plating like a knife through butter."

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Astral High - Chapter 34

He lowered his voice after the rest of the class went back to talking, "it's latin, simple as that, and bending isn't of specific elements, and psionic energy doesn't even work that way!" "...

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Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 8: Fyrin the Expelled

Fyrin had grievously injured her several years prior, and they were all afraid of what sionache might do now that her psionic powers were beginning to awaken.

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 34

"how much psionic combat do you know?" indy asked. "not as much as futureheart taught you."


Legion of Sytarel - Ch. 4: Order of Peacekeepers

None of the other students had managed to best the master when they were sparring, and few would even try to fight him when he wasn't using his psionic powers.

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter1

."_** as the feline blushed, kalevar took a few moments to search the entire documentation, his psionically enhanced mental functions mapping and storing the information permanently somewhere in his consciousness.

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T.A.U. Disconnected

Only she doesn't stay dead, she awakens disconnected from the advent psionic network.

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter7

At this age, the wolf had not realized he was psionic, nor would he have recognized the term... but his empathetic abilities were already strong even in their untrained state.

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Tremor City Primer 1

Formed in 2013 after a psionic hero was discovered using his powers for sexual liasons. since then they have been a mainstay of every city with a metasapien presence in them.

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