The Radical Beginning: Part One

He had haunted, nervous eyes and kept looking at his timepiece - an antique silver pocketwatch he'd stolen from one of the gang's numerous affluent carjacking victims. an equally showy sidearm was holstered on his belt. "when are they gettin' here?"

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Pho-bably hypnotized

"spirals, pocketwatches, stage shows... i'm pretty sure you know what i'm talking about." xyln tilted his head, one of his white, pointy fangs showing through a half-playful, half-embarrassed smirk.

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Eudaemon II: Dragon and Colossus, Part 15

He wandered down this, paws moving automatically and carrying him to a destination he wasn't yet sure of, as he reached up to finger and then grasp his pocketwatch tightly.

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Song in the Dark: Day 2

He took a moment to check his pocketwatch and determined that the train would indeed arrive just on time at half-past whenever. a breeze he couldn't quite feel blew past, disturbing the leaves on the trees holding up the roof of the train platform.

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The Crimson Jewel

The otter turned away from the porthole and stood up, checking the pocketwatch that lay on the nightstand. it was a quarter to eight in the evening.

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