Knife To My Paw

Knife To Paw... The bell for the end of recess went off as I was walking out of the bathroom. Suddenly, 2 furs grabbed me. A extremely muscled bear, and a tall wolf. They dragged me by my war torn shirt's collar and by the scruff of my neck. I was...

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Walking in Paws Ch2

**A Sterile Grave** I heard the noises of doctors scrambling around me trying to get my attention and asking me questions. All I did was look in the mirror... that fox blinking at me, yet that fox was still me. That fox would just keep reflecting...

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Trapped Under The Paw

It was a bland day for Silvermike; not a boring day, but one that made him wonder why he was stuck around, trying to figure what to do with his free time. University was done and the classes were over; he could try to contact a study comrade and see if...

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Under Akkie paws

Warning: this story will include fetish, paw fetish + 15 (age limit may vary by state), all content is only fancy, pictures are not mine, at the end of the story is written by the author of the image and link to his site. I apologize to the Czech...

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Butch's Healing Paws

Butch's Helping Paw It had been a long day at the office, Butch smiled as he helped his last client up off the couch with an extended paw. "I feel we are making some progress James, how about you?" The large grizzly asked while looking over the skunk...

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Don't Be a Thief!

Mat trotted through the forest, making his way to town. He had no Pokémon with him, but that was okay. He'd been through this area many times before and had nothing to be afraid of. He walked by a pond and felt a sudden desire to jump in, but decided...

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Trample under wolf paws

Warning: this story will include, violence, fetish, trample, +15 (age limit may vary by state), all content is only fancy, pictures are not mine, at the end of the story is written by the author of the image and link to his web . I apologize to the...

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Adept Paws 4: Stones

The rescue party makes a shocking discovery! Adept Paws 4 - Stones by Tempe O'Kun ------------------------------------------ Dawn. Rea blinked at the dust swirling through the jade pillars, long-dead faces lingering in their every...

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Adept Paws 3: Faerrets!

The villagers ride out to rescue the adepts. What dangers await our vixen hero and the others? **Adept Paws 3 - Faerrets!** by Tempe O'Kun The townsfolk rally to go after the abducted druid adepts. Have fun! Updated: 3-10-10 ...

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Daily Mischief - Runner's paw

Daily Mischief Story Two - On a Runner's paw By Jackmink the paw loving wolverine Jordan peaked out from underneath the bed not even sure how he ended up in the teenagers room. The floor was littered with things you would find in an average...

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With Tooth and Paw: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Let the snow cover your past and be a fresh canvas The walk up the tunnel to the surface seemed shorter the second time. The lamps were still a mystery, but the wonder had already worn off. Raising his paw to shield his eyes from...


With tooth and paw: chapter 4

Chapter 4: But...I just got here The next morning, marked by the brightening of the strange lamps, Vedrit woke, his arms wrapped around a pillow, blankets down around his waist. Looking around through blurry eyes, he could only wonder what in...
