Guro Challenge #4: Piercings/Body Modification

"Dad, I really don't think you should be doin' this yourself." "Oh, pshaw, young feller, am I to trust the job to your tremblin' paws?" "They ain't tremblin'!" Cheek tucked his paws behind his back to hide his lie. "Just think this is still gonna...

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Havana or Hell, Part 8 (Final part)

XV Bruckner and Burris stared at me in silent horror, as my hands transformed into clawed monstrosities, my teeth extended into fangs and the entire length of my body sprouted a thick coat of brown fur. I gorged myself on the freely flowing energy...

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Havana or Hell, part seven

XIII "So," said Burris. "How are you progressing?" "The wand?" "Indeed, the wand symbolizes magic and transformation; maybe it will even lead to the cure for your condition." "I already found it." I said bluntly and put the drinking flask on the...

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Havana or Hell, part six

XI Kendall Duran's company, _EnDurance Games_ was registered to an address in Warrington, fifty miles west of Oakfort. I searched the Internet for the address of anyone named Kendall Duran, and found three by that name. One had a dentistry practice in...

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Havana or Hell, part five

IX Katryn scratched the bridge of her nose, and placed a second engineer token on the R&D section of her map. "Your move!" she said. If my sister had assigned her researchers to develop a small project, such as a weapons upgrade, it wouldn't take...

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Havana or Hell, part four

_Recap from part Three:_ _"Watch out!" she cried. "He is here."_ _"What is he doing here?" asked the General._ _"He shouldn't be here", replied Karen. She sounded concerned._ _"It's too dangerous."_ _"Guys, you're playing yesterday's tape!" I...

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Havana or Hell, part three

V "Tell me, Mr Kent Do you hear voices right now?" I nodded. "They are hiding in the traffic noise." "Can you describe them to me?" "Man and woman, both sound young and old at the same time." The psychiatrist and I were in a small office in the...

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Havana or Hell, part two

III Some times, when I lie awake, I feel like I'm a tiny pinprick, floating in an endless void. It's a physical sensation, but not linked to any of the usual five senses, and the feeling disappears as soon as I open my eyes. It's accompanied by a...

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Cry Me a Murder (Part One) : Six Red Tears

Museum director Philip Smythe marched down the hallway of the Oakfort historical museum, the hard heels of his shoes banging against the marble floor with every angry step. He was underslept, stressed out and even grumpier than normal. The museum was...

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Fallen Angels, Part Nine - Sing me a Song, Dead Girl

CHAPTER EIGHT - SING ME A SONG, DEAD GIRL When Oscar Peterson played The Phantom Cat in 1986, a young Jesse Juliano captured a photo of him. He framed it and hung it on the wall, next to the upright piano. Peterson is all smiles, wiping sweat...

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Cry Me a Murder, Part III - a Strange Crunching Underfoot

We had worked on two cases together already, and our team of therian and otherkin was growing tighter than ever -but ra'gasso was far away from his jurisdiction. "i can't, man" he finally grunted. "i've got a whole spree of burglaries on my hands."

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Murder at the Speed of Life. (Part 2) Death Drove a Pontiac

My friend, inspector quinn of the oakfort police insists i'm an "otherkin". that's someone who has the ability to shift into demon form. my psychiatrist disagrees with this sentiment, and writes out prescription drugs that shut the voices up.

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