Spiral Nebula - Chapter 4

Orange haze covered a small town outside of one of the largest cities on the dusty planet. The buildings that the town was composed off were loud, and full of smoke. The street was busy with hundreds of pedestrians, many of whom were homeless. One of...

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Nation - The Greater Haromian Empire

Even the highest nobility in the empire face similar discrimination if they aren't human, and emperor isaiah ii isn't immune to the scrutiny that comes of mixed blood.

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Creating a character

The nobility in zok is highly regimented and under much tighter control by the state theocracy.

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Geography part 1

Its nobility is relatively small and wealthy on trade, leaving business almost untouched by taxes. its real power rests in priest who serves as doctors and civil officials.


Anthropia 10

"maybe it was our fault." he began, "we kept using the words like nobility and honor, we should have used superiority and power. you grew up thinking we held our position because of our charisma.

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Knife and Sword

When the conflict between cringris and varian was solved they recovered the nobility status and were accepted in the low circles of the stormwind's court.

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Little Star Chapter 2

If i tell her, then soon all of equestria will know about us, and how do you think the nobility will respond? they will condemn you because you are not of proper breeding and will do everything in their power to drive you away.

Urokon: History, Culture and Religion

Only royalty could raise a man to noble status, although this was not universal; the only sure way to become nobility was to be the son of a noble.

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Iron Wolf Chapter 2, Son of Nobility

It had been about three weeks since James had taken over a quarry. He usually spent the wee hours of each morning hunting for his meals later in the day. The rest of the days would have been spent watching over the quarry making sure no one fell in an...

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The Tides of War

Deep set lavender eyes, the color of the youkai nobility, turned to lock on those that were yuuhi's own, and upon meeting with the stern and unfaltering gaze, he found himself quickly lowering his head and pinning back his ears to search the ground for any

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3. Matricuation

When the space academy was founded, it was with the specific intent of preventing members of royalty or nobility automatically becoming officers while peasants and farmers became soldiers and sailors.


Tale Of Silverfang

Silverfang ascended into nobility and waited in the throne room for the king to return from his courtly duties....

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