Ferret Chess

Luckily after the invading vikings left, some neighbouring anthropologists came through and built museums and galleries to remind us of what once was.

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Dream Big

Surely even his neighbours had experienced corben's violent tumble. he didn't have time to collect himself, though.

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The Forest

One of his neighbours was already on the prowl. with his mouth hanging open in an eager pant, he took off after the other wolf, following along in pursuit of the first kill of the evening. the hunt was on!

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Forgive Me

He threw the shirt against his chest, brian grasping at it as his neighbours came out to watch. the eyes unpleasant, and no matter what they may say after, uncaring.

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Forced Entry (SFW Vers, Commission)

Every beat of her heart was loud enough to wake her neighbours in her mind, every scratch of the sheets on her mattress deafening.

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Just Partners

Juuichi and torahiko from morenatsu the heavy sounds of the boxes being dragged over the floor could be heard by the neighbours. a strong brown bear moved to one of the flats of that building. ??

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A Stranger in Suburbia (An Interactive Story) - Prologue (11)

neighbours of the market and café are a **bookshop** and a **news agency**. the street becomes a crossroad shortly thereafter, where the occasional car passes through this cosy town.

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The Witch Doctor - teaser

He didn't want the neighbours thinking he couldn't cope on his own - or luke regretting the fact that he'd chosen to live with his dad instead of his mum. the last corner of the mouth was tricky.

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The sundering and the creation of the Space league uniformed troopers (SLUT)

Nearby planets unaffected by the quakes quickly sent aid to their neighbours but all contact with them and the rescue teams was lost almost immediately upon their arrival on the torn open planets, to be replaced by a low buzzing sound, as if a billion pairs


The Chronical'ers Journal part 2

News of the kingdom have spread to the neighbouring duchys. the duchy's quickly began to catch up to serpentia. creating their own kingdoms and demanding a king. kingdom of stachelmacht, rittersmahl.

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Accidentally thrown out by a wolf.

The compactor crushed all the bags and pushed them into the truck's belly within 3 seconds, the hopper was clear and the wolf's neighbour's bags were now being loaded into the hopper.

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The Wolf

"let's go in before we scare the neighbours, shall we?" mom releases me from her bear hug. i choke out a laugh and nod. she leads kody and i into the house and closes the door behind us. "what are we gonna do now?"

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