The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Twenty Four

"carry the worthless retch," he had ordered the nearest mythic. unfortunately, that mythic had been an ogre with pointy bumps all over its body.

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Nineteen

The mythics are just as much to blame for this war as the humans are. the mythics just happened to be on the losing side." nobody argued with him. "but the slayers took it too far," porter added.

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Thirty

There was a second army of mythics standing between mortoph and the slayers. mythics with black and red eyes. **next time:** the battle's begun!

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Summer FY 01 - Survival Camping

He paid close attention to the way mythic positioned his hands and the motion that he was supposed to use, then the older male slipped backward leaving him to it. while he paddled he heard mythic teaching kittara how to fish.

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Eleven

"you can't talk about the arch-mythic like that!" "the arch-mythic is trying to lead our people to destruction!" azkular shot back. "and he is going to take the lives of countless innocent humans with him!"

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Thirty Five

Humans and mythics went in every direction, but not without suspicious stares from both sides.

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter One

"most humans don't believe in the mythics. well, i'm a mythic most mythics don't even believe in." porter raised his eyebrows and looked at sarah. "how can that be?" she asked. "if you exist, then must be some kind of record of you, right?"

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Twenty Nine

"th- they're mythics!" she exclaimed, taking a step back, her eyes wide. as if waiting for their cue, three of the more human-shaped mythics raised their bows and notched arrows. "duck!"

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DRAGON HEART : legends of the guardians

**INTRODUCTION** **the dragons keep** **In a world far beyond our own lies a planet just like ours, but only that planet is inhabited by "dragons" called " the dragon's keep". these dragons are more civilized than you would expect, they do the...

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Twelve

The group obeyed, walking as slowly as they dared, hoping that a stray mythic wouldn't wander past them.

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Thirty One

The slayers were already fighting against an army of mythics, but a second mythic army stood motionless at the other end of the field, as if they weren't sure what to do. "they're the repurposed!" tick said suddenly.

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The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Thirty Three

It was too busy fending off the mythic army to worry about the slayers right now-- and why should it, with its own army of mythics fighting them?

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