david's college days part thirteen

David knew there was lots of empty shop where he worked, so on one of his break's he went to go see the manger of the shopping centre to discuss his idea. After a long hour of talking with the manger he said "I like this shop it could be good...

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david's college days part nine

After the wedding and a house warming party David and Sarah began to unwrap the wedding gifts and find nice places for them and then it was time to move on to all the stuff from there house's to this house. Two people came to fix the electrics and...

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david's college days part five

It was now getting to the half term holiday and Mr. STORM had arranged a sleep over in a spooky house, it was going to be cool, but little did they know it would be there last knight of not being afraid of thing that go bump in the night! The four...

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david's college days part three

It was a warm and cool night David was walking home with pippin, her home was not too far away. David knew this wasn't about homework she was mad for David. As pippin open the front door to her "parents" home David was greeted by a complete...

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david's collage days part twenty one

"Tis the season to be jolly tra la, la, la" said David as he decorated the house in Christmas time and boy did it look good he had put tinsel up and the fairy lights for indoors now it was time for outdoors ones. David had brought some outdoor...

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david's collage days part seventen

Upon coming home from holiday David and Sarah now had a pet horse, a young shire horse by the name of horse and at £50 squid no questions asked it was there's and from a distance it looked healthy. After the long ride home the horse was eating...

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david's collage days part twelve

It was a nice sunny day and David and Sarah diced to go to do a Carboot sale. Seeing as David and Sarah had found a whole load of stuff from the skips it was time to unload as the saying goes, so on that nice day David looked thought a local...

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david's collage days part eleven

Upon finding the guitar David now had to look for a bass guitar and a drummer he knew two already. First David went to mike who played bass, David then took a few lesions with mike and he became a pro, then mike phoned up Allen who played drums...

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david's college days part twenty seven

As Joey got older his sexual origins where starting to work so now he would get hard from standing around and when he could smell another horse in session as horses walked by the house every day. This was very bad for the horses going by in the...

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david's cllege days part twenty six

It had been a long day in the work place, seeing as David was back on the till he was reading one of his magazines that he got each mouth. This was his favourite of the two he got the other was on classics cars, it was yu-gi-oh cards mouthy and in one...

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the story of the SKULLS BLUE SKULLS story

Like hello there, this is blue SKULL here, I really miss the 60's and 70's the 80's are okay but the 90's yuk. It was the summer of 65' I remember it well it was great I'd just seen a very nice van a VW bus brand new just off the production line, so in...

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the story of the SKULLS GAMBLER SKULLS story

ok these are little short story's on the SKULLS hope you enjoy ^///^ I'm the gambler one of the SKULLS I can play any game of cards I'm an expert in the game of black jack. This how ever is a problem I'm banned from every casino in the UK for doing...

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