When the Petals Fall

My heart's a rose to be kept thriving on the tears i've wept every breath, a new regret a hateful love, i won't soon forget your words are thorns that i accept choking the rose i've carefully kept the fragilty that you forget binds me, your broken marionette

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The Lycanthrope Tails. Chapter 19.

marionette smiled staring into her magic mirror. black threads were connected between her fingers as she manipulated the scene before her. "get lost in your nightmare. let your own mind devour you."

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The Aether

He was the first to cut through the marionette strings that drove him. once it was done he heralded his accomplishments far and wide. every angel, every demon knew now how to escape, how to free themselves from bondage.


The Servant Cat

He took a liking to his new position, getting rid of all the marionettes from his land, inviting farmers to work under his rule. but with his power soon came great boredom.

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File #5 - "Discovery"

Just like a puppeteer would control a marionette...

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The officer, ignoring this, slapped at his body a few times like a spastic marionette before the reality of where he was caught up to his mind, and he cleared his throat as if asking pardon for his actions.


Spartan 0-6, Ch.1

Then he collapsed to the floor, like a marionette suddenly free of the strings that gave it life.

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Fallen Angels, Part one (Prologue)

Abdul's broken body slumped back into the seat, like a marionette puppet with its strings cut.

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Sydney Alone

They circled above sydney like eerie marionettes, until one alone stood atop him. its flesh twisted painful, until it became a splitting image of the otter's younger self, drowned, eyes empty like those of a fish. "i'm not dead!"

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The end - the beginning

Called, my mind dancing, forcing my body to follow like a marionette, i took off, running, adding my own voice to theirs, hearing them encourage me, call me, take strength in my own assertion.

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The Crown: Chapter Twelve

However, xeneth's ability to teleport was just one way to use the darkness, and silhard studied, eventually learning to control the hearts of others by preying upon the darkness inside and entrapping them with his marionette-like strings of dusk.

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The creature then fell to the ground like a marionette with its strings cut.

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