His assistants - una, treyna, and malik - all did good work and rarely left a mess for him to find in the morning.
malik was invited to the house, sworn to secrecy, and introduced to the kits, who became his new best friends.
Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 8 - Meant to be broken...
And then there was of course mister malik ndiaye. none one knew how to pronounce his last name... a crazy lion guy in his early thirties who had a passion for what he did. teaching us something about history.
An Improbable Encounter
"that is correct malik!" the brown and grey furred wolf gently ruffled his grand-son's head. "though you know it's not polite to interrupt people when they talk!" jude moralized to his oldest grand-pup, the young light brown lupine nodding in apology.
Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (11)
It was the knights' stealth ship, which was being flown by malik, the knight who disabled the communications array. before the fight, kain had ordered him to go back and retrieve their ship. "chewy, we got company," finn said.
Episode 9: Paradigm Shift
"serin, pasky, malik and carris, were good people. they were my friends too...." "i know," jayna muttered, "i'll see you around...commander martinez." she exited the room, the doors sliding shut behind her.