Maximilian's Odyssey
The photos reeled through his mind. A young, pretty mouse holding a baby in her arms, smiling. A little mouse playing on a driftwood log lapped by the late-tide beach waves, his mother on the sand nearby. The same small mouse, older now, standing alone...
A Stranger in Suburbia (An Interactive Story) - Prologue (18)
The pay certainly is lower, but it would be a good way to expand literary skills, at least. you thank him for the time and leave. you stand outside the **valewood chronicle**. it's noon. well, you think so. you don't have a watch.
Scenes from Greenclaw University: That One Roommate
literary experimentation. insert air guitar solo twenty-two-year-old greenclaw university student wesley allen katt glared at his roommate with unbridled hate in his eyes.
Jana's Hard Vore Burrito Party
#1 of literary works someone had to write it. jana unlocked the door and went in. she looked around to see if her room mates were around. there was no sign of them. she heaved a heavy sigh and strolled into the kitchen with her quarry.
Gutpunch 4: Violence of an almost sexual nature
And so the tinny rabbit, cloaked in a hood of midnight, her sword sheathed, but always at the ready, stood in front of the ivory gates and as she drew in the cold morning air, burning her throat and lungs, and as her bare-feet slowly numbed from the...
9. Academics
"timby lupindo, your grandfather was not only a noted astronomer and our culture's first spacefarer, he was also a literary scholar.
To You
#2 of excerpts from a diary of a mad dog to all of you that are not me from birth to this shallow moment of literary conception, i can say without doubt or hesitation that everyone i've ever known, be they friend, family or lover has without fail
Canvas and Melody - Chapter 4
Michael and isaac sat in the corner talking about pixels and art, but most interesting of all were the words of a man from the body of a child; chris spoke in smooth, cool tones as we talked about niche dynamics of literary analysis.
Tribes of Anowara: Prologue
#1 of tribes of anowara prologue to my three part epic (i mean that in an actual literary sense, not an arrogant one): tribes of anowara. the series is heavily based off of the mythologies and cultures of many tribes all throughout north america.
Canine Case episode 1
She was excited that someone close to her was literary close to her. "hi claudia! it's cool that we live so close together!' claudia felt the same. "yeah, i know. i thought we weren't going to see each other that often!", she cheered.
Dante | Chapter I
He grinned maliciously and said back to herema,"apparently they named him dante, a fitting name i must say, he shall bring the literary inferno to life on earth!"
Read Harry Potter, the Aenid of our times: Srsly (4 real!)
If you write serious literary fiction, you should read 'zig zag: the story'. people will come along and be nice and fluffy and say, 'oh, it's okay. you read whatever you like reading!'