Leaving Home

I don't _want_ to leave... but..." "but you feel like you have to?" guessed martin, before turning to the nurse. "get his things, we can call an am--" "no, i can walk."

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Don't Leave.

The cold winter air nips at my face. My warm breath meets the air in a puff of smoke-like condensation. The snow crunches beneath my feet as I trod down First Street in my winter coat. In one hand I hold a bouquet of flowers, while the other is dived...

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After Leaving

It rained allot so i couldn't really leave on my bike. spent allot of time there just sitting staring at the peeling wallpaper in the ten dollar a night room.

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Paid Leave

Your position will be here upon your return, but as of today you are on leave." theo started to shake again, "but i'm a water scholar! i study anatomy! inherited traits! i don't have anything to do concerning that machine! why am i on leave?!"

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Leaving Home

I don't want you to leave!" she cried out, squeezing him tightly. she pressed her face into his lower back, her tears leaving dark patches on his shirt.

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Leaves of Autumn

As the leaves dance to the song of the wind they rays of light strike the moisture on the leaves making them shimmer and appears as if they were covered in thousands of crystals burning bright like the starts in the night.

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Leaving Noise

The pain of losing someone, whether they're leaving, or they're dying? you should recede to the plains, where nothing but grass can warm you up." after a while, after a few hours, i leave my comfortable bed.

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Fallen Leaves

Never leave my memory, tom. \*\*\* the postman doesn't normally come to my door. he deposits whatever it is outside and leaves me to suffer silently.

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Leaving Starhold

After our conversation, we weren't about to leave our shipping carts in the parking lot.

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A Thin Line - Part Two: Love

"don't leave me..." whispered alice. "i have to... at least for now.

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A Gentle Rustling of Leaves

She resolved to leave no meadow unfrolicked in that the wind would carry her over. as she ran, her coat changed colors with the shifting of the leaves. sometimes it would be more green and yellow, where the leaves were still freshly fallen.

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Prologue: Leaving the Pride

"farewell then," sarabi said as sarabi started to leave, "and thanks again."

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