Miss Tribi - (Kreet 72)
Miss tribi looked at kreet with some sadness. "i've been researching it for days, miss kreet..." "just kreet, please." "i've been researching it for days, kreet," miss tribi corrected herself.
Attack (Kreet 10)
And this is kreet." the head turned to face her, and it backed up a step. "but... she's a kobold! oh, that's right. the abbot mentioned you. kreet eh? you're a lucky girl, kreet. most kobolds i meet don't see me with my helmet off!"
Traps (Kreet 23)
"kreet? karl?" "fine here," karl said from the other side of the rock fall. "me too," kreet said beside him. karl and kreet climbed over the rocks to rejoin the armored pair. "a trap," kreet declared as she looked at where the rocks had fallen from.
Success - (Kreet 80)
#87 of kreet it's a french adventurers song. "kreet," said a voice beside her quietly as she held grace to her. she looked away to find eilistraee kneeling beside her. "kreet, we'll leave you now.
Excommunicated (Kreet 15)
Red held kreet through the night, as promised and against her own expectation, kreet actually managed to fall asleep in the arms of this stranger. the next day red was still sleeping beside her when kreet awoke. she looked at the sleeping woman.
Covet (Kreet 11)
#13 of kreet now this is a lot more like kreet would look. i don't feel i need to say much on who did this or where it's from, since the artist is right there on the picture!
Journey Begins - (Kreet 99)
kreet felt him return and decided not to interfere.
Spellbound (Kreet - 40)
"kreet is pregnant! she's pregnant!" eilistraee looked at kreet. "no, kallid," kreet said to him. "i'm not pregnant. sorry, in all the confusion, i haven't had time to tell you that. eilistraee checked."
Kobold of a Different Color - Kreet 75
#83 of kreet things begin to happen as they left the archive, kreet and kallid heard the monks singing again in the cathedral upstairs. the evening service had begun.
Betrayal (Kreet - 38)
kreet turned to sigmundurr. "i'm sorry sig. i don't see any better way." "kreet!" he screamed as she raised her hands to him. "no!" the sleep spell wasn't guaranteed to work. she'd not cast it in years.
Mob - (Kreet - 65)
"kreet! kreet! kreet!" no one was listening to her. she looked desperately to kallid, but he could only shrug. she looked to sigmundurr. "well, you started this ball rolling.
Hellos and Goodbyes (Kreet 79)
kreet and kallid stood miss tribi up. "it's okay, miss tribi!" kreet assured her. "this is eilistraee." "i know who she is!" miss tribi insisted. "she's a..." "goddess," eilistraee finished.