The Daughter

Even when she tried to stand her new feet slipped out from underneath her, unused to the furred, keidran limbs.

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 13 - Broken Pearl

"see, fer keidran, prison don't work s'well as it does fer humans or basitins," kaiba explained. "for a human, a few years in prison sentence, tis a dawdle.

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TwoKinds: Freedom Paradise ( Fem! Mike x Evals) Part 1

Kathrin was busy taking care of the wolf keidran that was laid up in the hospital wing, tending to his injured leg. it seemed she had already made up her mind by staying with him until his leg was better. should they tell her they're leaving?

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Twokinds Revolutions Chapter 7

Seth made his way to the arms-storage area where he found a wolf keidran sitting behind the desk, ear-buds in reading a magazine. "excuse me... excuse me!" after getting the wolf's attention, seth continued. "are there any long-range rifles here?

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Roselyn's Letter (Twokinds snippet)

Master legacy lays his schemes, the keidran scuttle about, and the basitins... do whatever it is they do, i suppose.

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 5 - Pearl

With a frustrated grumble kallen sat down across from sara and took a sip of her tea, "what i wouldn't give to be a keidran sometimes.

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 15 - Sara Silver

Sieg looked back at the picture of the keidran, "that one. there's something about it, something... special." "ah yes, i like it as well. it was painted with love, a great deal of it.

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Sieg and Marien - A Basitin Love Story - Part 1 - Thier First Time

"is it true he's part keidran?" "you haven't seen him since your marriage? you mean you haven't done anything yet? how conservative of you."

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Kathrin's Specialty Outfitters: part 3

\> she asked as soon as the hug had lasted for a mutually agreeable amount of time, also switching to keidran.

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Twokinds: Trust

Keith closed the door behind himself. He felt a sigh coming on, but it died on his lips when his eyes met Natani's. They both smiled. The wolf was still in his vest and pants, sitting cross-legged on one of the two beds in the room. Their room. Keith...

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Kathrin's Specialty Outfitters: part 4 & 5

She helped bridge a gap between the long separated keidran and human worlds as someone that was not quite of either world, but a little of all.

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Idea for a twokinds fanfic

I was thinking about the current events of the comic, and i this come to my mind: "Why Clovis want Zen?" Of course, some kind of revenge because the TDM events, but what would she do with him? So i thought something that i dont think that Tom would do...

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