Jeremy 035; When In Nutzville's jail...
The rabbit, jeremy guessed his name wasn't really whisker, turned to pick up jeremy's wallet and opened it.
Jeremy 075; The Rat
jeremy replied. "i'll give him your number." they disconnected and jeremy dialed allen. "jeremy?" the cheetah asked as he answered the call. "yes, i just talked with detective jensen. he's expecting a call from you.
Jeremy069; Sounding Board
jeremy said. "when we were young we'd play in the fresh snow for hours." "jeremy, don't do that to yourself." jackson said. jeremy looked at him not understanding for a moment. with a sigh he caught his meaning.
Jeremy 089; At The Bottom Of A Dark
jeremy sees the find of a lifetime. jeremy had no idea how long he stared. his lemur escort stood still and silent. even their tails were still and hung low, just observing. they were letting him take in the scene.
Jeremy 076; The Cat
jeremy and detective frick followed in the rear. the male looked up at him and as the elevator doors closed said. "so jeremy, how much bigger are you going to get?" the cougar muttered something jeremy didn't catch and rolled her eyes.
Jeremy 020; Jump The Rings And Hoops
jeremy nodded. "yeah, that sounds good." he said smiling at the thought of being with his brother again. sam and jeremy made their way back home the next morning.
Jeremy 078; Selection
jeremy stood and said his farewells.
Jeremy 090; The Issue With Madagascar
jeremy was pleased that the prime minister insisted jeremy take his place on the section directly in front of her. soon enough they were heading back toward the mine entrance. jeremy kept his head up as long as possible.
Jeremy 045; To Save The Day
jeremy reminded him. eric turned and attempted to stare at jeremy. he dropped his eyes and after picking up his diner plate went to the kitchen. sam had watched the encounter and sat next to jeremy with a smile on his face.
Jeremy 017; Karma's Toll
jeremy shrugged as she took his arm and started unwinding the bandage. he doubted he needed to explain the tradition to her. the beaver lightly probed the wounds asking how much pain jeremy felt.
Jeremy 092; The Thing In Kealuroondea
jeremy started the introductions and kass finished. it took a while with such a large group. after a brief pause in which no one spoke jeremy continued.
Jeremy 057; Tidbits And Morsels
jeremy observed. "close enough." his host said with a satisfied sigh. "i made too much for myself." jeremy watched jackson set his unfinished plate on the empty one and push them away from himself. jeremy continued eating until finished.