MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 7

The jarzin then walked over towards the nearby cliffside and stared out across the ocean to the larger island. "well, i'm sure it's nothing they can't handle.

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MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 15

The jarzin arched a brow, intrigued. "hidden cave, hmm? mind showing me where it is?" sunshine looked around a bit, seemingly thinking about things, then turned back to him. "soon. checking on friends first."

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MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 18

In his new guise, the jarzin simply narrowed his eyes at the watcher and stepped forward until he was leering down at the raptuva. "tell no-one you saw me here. clear?" "s-sir?" the watcher stammered. "sh-should i-" "not.

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Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 31

"l-like a person, only... not, at the same time," he said, then did his best to describe the jarzin. "ach, that does soond streenge... ne'er heard o' someone lik' tha'. bit ye say she saved ye 'n' git rid o' th' beastie?" kuna slowly nodded.

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Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 39

You said inkari was unusually long-lived for a jarzin, but how long do, er... 'tingers' live?" kuna asked curiously. "didnae yer parents teach ye tis rude ta ask a lady her age?"

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