At Morning [Final]

"they'll assume--rightly--that the artem-jana guild was directly consulted in finding a doctor, because one of the arkenprinces would've demanded it.

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Fit for to Serve as a Soldier

Do we have any contacts with the artem-jana guild?" the secretive band was known for their ability to travel unseen -- to deliver or abscond with whatever was needed, completely undetected. arlen couthragn was such a man, but i knew of no others.

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On this New Sea

Many centuries ago, it had hosted a royal armory -- but tabisthalia had not seen conflict for centuries, now, and the fortress had been adopted by artem-jana university.

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"you know, k'nsullach said that you were a member of the artem-jana guild. or, that she guessed it..." "i'm an observant man, colonel. one doesn't require membership in mythical organizations to be observant, does one?" "mythical?"

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Episode 10: Salvage

jana looked mildly annoyed. "fine. his knowledge of the ship is fairly extensive. he would be better help than anyone else would." jayna admitted. she was hoping to have him oversee the repairs, but now she would have to do it.

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