Barely three months later, S'fara found herself pregnant. She had missed her cycle, which for a Khajiit of breeding age could only mean one thing, and a visit to the local apothecary confirmed her suspicions.
'But this is unheard of! A Nord and...
Future, Hybrid, Interbreeding, Pregn, Pregnancy, Pregnant
There are breeding program for specific alien species and earthlings that are carefully controlled so no interbreeding does not happen.
RP, Story, ideas
Her clan's inability to understand why northern and southern sergals fought had been the very reason she had been allowed to perform the courtship ritual with father; any other clan would have shunned the idea of a northern male and a southern female interbreeding
Jax, Sergal, vilous
Walking into his apartment she severed the link and dropped onto his couch, shaking her head xan said "terry, you know i'm all for every option being a valid one, but the problems with two different life form basis interbreeding when one's bodily fluids is
Deuterite, Implied Sex, M/F, Romance, Sabeh
"i've always considered myself a tolerant man, hutchinson," victor explained, "but this allowance of interbreeding between the social classes can only end badly for us."
he paused for a moment to gauge his friend's reaction then continued.
Fanfiction, Feral, Kate, Meanwhile, Mojotheomegawolf, Wolf, Wolves, alpha and omega, humphrey
They now are a shadow of their former selves due to interbreeding with the denizens of the realm to where have become almost demonlike in appearance, reaching heights of 6 to 10 feet tall or even changing heights at will.
Angel, Death, Demon, Devil, Dragon, Dragoness, Elf, Fantasy, Fiction, Halo, Heaven, Hell, Horror, Kitsune, Monster, Nature, Philosophy, Undead, abyss, fairy, vore, yokai
- - note; the average j'ralan has slitted pupils, but in instances of terran human and j'rali interbreeding he offspring's pupils will be rounded like
Cheetah, Fox, Leopard, Rabbit, Raccoon, Skunk, Snow Leopard, Tiger, Wolf, pine marten