You look around you and you see the peaks.
You see the pine heights and the softer trees
That flower on the lower, lesser steeps.
You see the little rivers, shire-wise,
That gently carve the foothills. And the sweep
At last of desert floor....
Iambic pentameter, Poetry, Terza Rime
We met two travelers to an antique land.
Across the haunted stars they came in search--
While newly mated, newly hand in hand--
Of shattered remnant visage in the dirt.
The one has eyes on knowledge and renown
And seeks the truth whatever it may...
Iambic pentameter, Poetry, Voice of dog, sonnet
I switch off all the lights. Those that I love
Are all abed, both in the other room
And all across the city that I love.
I see my way across the meagre room
And to the too-tall curtains by the light
Of thrift-store stained-glass lamp, by oven...
Autobiographical, Iambic pentameter, Poetry, blank verse
The rain continues. No thunder dares ring.
No winds howl. All is silence, save the sound
Of distant trucks down on the interstate.
I tell myself, pretend it is the sea
That all this rain, perhaps, will wash into.
And I remain in silence. What must...
Autobiographical, Iambic pentameter, Poetry, blank verse
"I died not," Varr breathed shallowly, "I woke
Midmorning, by a gentle brook. How far
I'd skirmished from satanic swamplands I
Had no surmise. Three days I nursed my wounds,
And then I took the mission meant for Luke,
To warn the Old Man. As I...
Epic, Iambic pentameter, Poetry, blank verse
"In coolness of that evening we stood guard
Atop the knoll our mastery had turned
To barrow. As the hidden sun went down
We watched the pit as does a mongoose, for
The snout of the great serpent to appear.
While there we watched we argued: How to...
Epic, Iambic pentameter, Poetry, blank verse
"Before the sun had crossed the pinnacle
Of hours upon the sky's superior side
And any nightward momentum had gained,
The hall was emptying. The Old Man's words
Reverberated still between hard stone
Reproachful more the longer that we stayed.
Epic, Iambic pentameter, Poetry, blank verse
The day was long departed, and the night
Was coming to adulthood. Outside slept
The night breeze, snoring soft among the grass.
Inside, the boxer felt the darkness close
As if it were a change in temperature
He had not noticed. "Hold on," he spoke...
Epic, Iambic pentameter, Poetry, blank verse
"These ruins have been empty for too long.
They ring no more with scarlet laughing flags.
They echo not the peal of sparring arms,
Nor cries of joyful brotherhood of war.
They were not always silent. Once they shone
Undusty, undecrepit,...
Epic, Iambic pentameter, Poetry, blank verse
The sun was gone. The only light that shone
Was a reflection off the fading sky,
Yet faded not the gold out of the roof,
For, at the touch of darkness, fireflies,
Lit crisp like Christmas candles,
Appeared and turned the leaves to paper...
Epic, Iambic pentameter, Poetry, blank verse
Somewhere it was autumn, and the trees
Hung undecided, torn between the fear
Of concrete skies and black obsidian nights
And clung to fading leaves, yet still they felt
A dark desire to let the summer drop,
To scatter to the wind their...
Epic, Iambic pentameter, Poetry, blank verse