World Building: Nations of Sethera

Country animal: coyote most used steed: horse drenadar: races: human (35%) , elf (25%), siigonis (20%) , wolven (10%), halfling (5%), other (5%) colors: blue/gold symbol: white pegasus with wings spread.

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Rexi & Talon: 19 -- Talon

A sizable number of halflings scurried about in livery, hoisting trays of drinks and canapes up for the crowd of humans. they kept a wary distance from master zackton, talon noticed.

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Stories of a Treasure Hunter, pt 2

Whether or not the old thassilonians had built this place, the builders had certainly not been ratfolk, or halflings or gnomes for that matter. with a bit of effort, he managed to grasp the level and bring it down.

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Song of the Huntress - Part 3

"_they burned the camp to ashes to take those halflings, so we will burn down the village to take them back. the nazgûl will have their baggins yet, and none to soon._ _it is as i hoped.


I've Been Reincarnated as a Bunny Girl?! (Ch. 13)

Liama approached and scooped the halfling into her arms. they embraced for a few moments before breaking apart, liama setting the other guildmaster down.

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Blackfoot - Pathfinder Custom Race

Blackfeet with high intelligence scores can choose from the following: dwarven, elven, giant, gnoll, halfling, tengu, treant.

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Worlds Apart Chapter 2 (Awakened)

"really but i was told that halflings where hated." "well a lot of people still fear them because of what's happened and as far as we know you're the only one we know about in the last 2000 years. so did you come from the dragon tribe?"

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The End and The Beginning - Character Sheet - Rumar Black-Iron

Dwarf height meduim/4ft5/locked appearance eyes: blue and souless skin: dark tanned covered in black coal dust hair brown/black covered in coal dust profession: appentice smithy, metals and runic enchanting languages: common, dwarvish, halfling

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Hunt for the oni

Sandra, the jolly halfling barmaid had made her way over without the bard noticing her, such was his level of distraction regarding such useless notions. "morning, sandra..." he replied with a hoarse voice.

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Teaching a Young Cub new Tricks

Gisela goodsong, halfling silversmith and friend-with-benefits to melora, finds herself dragged into this mess, and forced to not only solve the mystery - but also resolve it in a way that'll make everybody happy... proofread by falquian.

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The Guilded Cage, Prologue 5

Unlike most noble families, the goldleaf matron made certain that erithil had broad exposure to the demi-elven population of st amlar-- humans, dwarves, halflings and dwarves.

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If rain was one to judge it had been originally stolen from a halfling or other small leveler species and was not goblin made. "you can eat that one by the way. she doesn't look very nice to eat."

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