A Journey Begun - Chapter 12 - Catch Him With His Pants Down

"Peter Ivanovich. Russian mobster and known arms dealer. Works out of Moscow, selling weapons, drugs and what have you to whoever pays him the most. Recently expanded his territories to include the little village where our man Victor hails from, that's...

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 11 - See How They Run

"His name is Maximillian Augustus Wright." "No kidding. Any relation?" "Yup. James' grandson." "Small world." I stood and stared at the young man sitting in the interrogation room. He had James' hair, short and brown, loose and messy, but...

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 3.5 - Interlude 1

December. A time of celebration. A time of gift giving, of happiness and laughter and fun. I never expected it to be a time of absolute stress. After knowing Evelyn for almost three years and being her date for all of that time, Riggs had suggested I...

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 3 - Destiny Calls

"Make them pay." "What?" "I said make them pay!" "Okay! Alright. Jesus." Three slaps. "Okay that's one, now give 'em one more to remember!" Three slaps. "Yes! Good job man!" I got a pat on my back for my troubles. The man from...

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Another Gray Muzzle mem

**01) Are you currently in a serious relationship?** Does marraige count? **02) What was your dream growing up?** To be a lawyer. **03) What talent do you wish you had?** I wish I could draw. **04) If I bought you a drink, what would it be? A...

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Scars Ch. 7

Patrick is at a local bar drinking a beer. His eyes looking in each and every direction. His right hand grasping the glass of cold liquor and downs the drink in one gulp. He sets the beer down and looks to the small t.v. set on the corner of the bar....

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Not Alone (prologue)

Have you ever have one of those dreams that you don't ever want to wake up from but life decides to be a pain in the ass and wakes you up even if you don't want to? Well that happens to me a lot. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. I groaned as the sound...

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Not Alone chapter 3

[Darius] I don't know what compelled me to kiss Alex but it felt so good yet so strange. I pull Alex to me so I can hold him closer, his lips were so soft and warm. I felt like I should of stopped but I couldn't stop myself. A moan of pleasure...

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The Real Rain Part one

Alright, i will make this short and simple. All chericters are copyrighted to me "Eddie Regula 3" AKA: Eddie Green. Gray Muzzle is copyrighted to Gray Muzzle. This is my real first try at this, so try to be gentile!...

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 10 - Fry The Bastard

* * * i returned to the office an hour later, appetite sated by earl grey tea and muffins, a subway sandwich sitting in a bag i carried with me.

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 9 - Government Issue

I hadn't even properly set foot on American soil before there was a hint of a problem. After getting off from our night flight, me and Brandon had milled around in the departure area of JFK for a while, having breakfast and reading up on the news a...

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 1 - Into A New Skin

"The young master has begun his journey, master." "Good. I assume you did your job, old man?" "He didn't even see me leave. I'll be fine." "Then we have nothing to worry about. Things will go on as per normal. He will learn, as his ancestors...

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