Sons of winter chapter 5: Sharphorn

Barren as the gorge was, wyverns often preferred safety over the accessibility of prey, and with magic in place to seal the top of the gorge from the battering winds, lothering soon became a home to them.

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Buddyfight - Morning Snack

"not for lounging about like you had just gorged yourself on north beetle eggs." "don't get your bow in a twist." doble huffed as he flipped over, keeping the last two takoyaki balls safely on their plate.

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Chapter Twelve - The Return Of An Old Pal

"well, to gorge yourself, you have to eat and eat and eat until you're full, and then keep eating... since i can't get full, i can't gorge myself.

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Off the Record: Rociel's Ramblings

Ever since the three gorges catastrophe, things have simmered down and most of world's power players have made it difficult to even run a small time terrorist cell.** is there any new nations?

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Graystripe Has the Stars Knocked into Him

They led graystripe through the forest, graystripe just behind them, when they approached a shallow gorge with thicket branches covered with thorns on the other side.

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Shaga - Étudier sur le terrain

Le soutien-gorge, ça va... mais la jupe, je ne sais pas. c'est peut-être un peu trop tôt pour ça... laisse-moi voir!

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Life of the Plate

He paused his gorging for a massive, desperate breath and looked down at himself. his jeans were straining at the seams as his thighs fattened and puffed like two overstuffed sausages. his arms were about to burst his sleeves.

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Temps de chien !

Mon soutient-gorge ne supportã¢t pas ce changement et se dã©chira, laissant mes seins, lourds mais fermes , comme maintenus par une force invisible.

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Fair Tales

Knowing that, and that he was getting more than a sizable amount of the weekend's profits for the bear just to freely gorge himself on, sasuke made sure to drop more than enough to cover it all into the tip jar upon beginning his gorging.

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Gnarl writes a book...sort of!

On the third day at the bottom of the gorge he could hear the rumbling of thunder from above and was worried that the gorge might just flash flood with the rain. he looked up at the rim and was now even more concerned as to how to get out.

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Be Thunk

. \> snacktime.png \> gorge self on blue gummis. \> stop eating. understand the universe. \> understand everything. iq so high. \> explorers return, eat them. \> mfw smart does not make you less hungry.

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The Whole Hog

Picking up the slab of meat and tearing into it as though he had skipped every meal for a month, russ barely chewed before swallowing down the large bites of food he was gorging himself on.

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