Pitch Episode 7: Not Gay

"to be fair, we only know the difference between gay or straight because of humans. it's not important to us, or most of the creature community come to think of it."

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Short Some-What Gay Monologue

You're cuddle buddy walks into the room. He's an adorable chubby tiger with a white stomach and black and orange stripes all over his body. "Hey there cutie pie," he says as he wraps his paws around you and hugs you tight. The tiger kisses you on the...

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I was Never Gay Part 1

I shouted then, at the top of my lungs, " i am not gay!"

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My Gay Brother-Chapter 1

This is a completly different series from the story i have posted up already, I will continue to work on the other one. This story is just a side project kinda,...

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That Gay Goth Dog (part 1)

My dad stood straight up and yelled: "you will not listen to that fag homo crap you're a male not a female! god i'm happy i dont have a sick disturbing son as alex's parents have..." "dad!

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That Gay Goth Dog (part 6)

"no prob i dont know why he dosnt like gays his cuzzin is gay and hes normaly fine with it." she sighed then smiled again. "well i have to get to calss hope to see you guys around sometime!" she said running off.

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That Gay Goth Dog (part 5)

on the buss ride to school, i couldn't stop thinking about alex... or anyone. for the first time i was listing to Linkin Park on my way to school. last time i did this i nearly blew up something in physical science. as i walked to my locker i saw dj....

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That Gay Goth Dog (part 2)

"jer... jeremy im sorry about 2 nights ago... someone started calling me a gay fag and thretend to kick me form the team... i blamed you im really sorry" he said as he put out his paw. i looked at it then to him.

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First Time's A Doozie

**First Time's A Doozie by Fontenot LeBlanc** Panting, he fed the last bit in. "Dude, there it goes! That's it! I'm in!" "_Great!_" "Ohhh _maaan..._" Wesley purred, hugging Luther's tail to his chest. "This feels _amazing!_ How you...

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My story gay christian pup 3

"Mom Dad help", I said between coughs "I can't move" I was paralyzed only able to cough. \*one day later i'm now laying on a hospital bed dying but not knowing it\* "Devin they are about to hook you up to the machine", my mom said trying to hide her...

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That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 14: Ment To Be?

#51 of that gay goth dog "fuck, i can't figure this out!" hayden said growling loudly. "what's wrong hon?" i asked licking his nose. "not now, jeremy." hayden growled a little louder.

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Charlie Barkins gay encounter part 9

So does that make him gay like scooby or bi. i'll have to have a talk with itchy when his song is over so i don't do anything drastic as he sings his song.

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