Zikita: chapter 1

Th flaying ship did not look like we draw ufo like for some twenty years ago. it look more like a space ship from the movie star wars or star trek. a voice come from the ufo. it sound was a deep mans voice that said in english.

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The Dragon and the Apple Trees

It was haggard, and with bags under his eyes, his mane which was normally fairly uniform was flayed in all directions, but to his horror he saw dried blood coating his face and teeth.

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Conquering the Wild- A Clean Lynx TF

Tfw when you go on a cold winter walk and become a kitty tiffany's face was flayed raw from the cold already, just a minute after parking her car and leaving its warm embrace. why had she gone hiking at this time of the year?

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A princely apology (prologue)

Not without his hide getting flayed at least. olivian returned to his private dwelling shortly after. it would be a few days travel to the boarder of his people's territory.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 51

They went all the way around, like bracelets, and all the way down into the crooks of his elbows, flaying his arm open like red canyons. he could see the layers inside - the skin, the fat, the pulsing veins torn wide open... just like his mother.

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My Girlfriend, the Super Villain: The Day After, Part 7

You're really ticked off now, so when they suddenly show up the next morning, you're ready to flay them alive." "and did you?... hypothetically, of course." i asked.

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Dragoon the Magnificent

She was distracted for a moment, just long enough that dragoon struck out with a powerful spell which would have flayed her if she was hit. a shimmering shield of magic surrounded her, defending her from the attack.

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I Never Eat Anything With A Face (Clean Version)

Mallory's eyes fluttered open. He ached all over, it hurt to breathe, all of the mouse's extremities screamed with pain, and when he tried to get up... no, that wasn't going to happen, his legs were broken, so was his right arm. Abruptly everything...

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What did he do so wrong to make her want to flay him emotionally? he no longer used his telepathy to communicate, resuming his original 'mute' status. he felt like he had no energy to put forth.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 52

They went all the way around, like bracelets, and all the way down into the crooks of his elbows, flaying his arm open like red canyons. he could see the layers inside - the skin, the fat, the pulsing veins torn wide open... just like his mother.

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Devoted Tails, Chapter 2: Enter Scry...

Walking down on of the corridors, he stopped abruptly in front of a great mural depicting a rather large doberman being flayed by a reptile of some kind. searching for something, apparently, the wolf bent down and ran his eyes across the wall.

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group therapy part 3

How would that be for fair treatment, flaying a cannibal and eating them alive. karmas a bitch, and that bitch is hungry for meat. when was the last time he ate? two, three days ago? and it was something superficial too, like a salad.

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