And We Shall Tell the World
# Chapter 5: And We Shall Tell the World It was only moments after Emma left that Johnathan felt the jaws of loneliness close around him. Watching her leave through the pouring rain, she disappeared quickly, swallowed up by the darkness. It...
Tea and Crumpets in the Garden
# Chapter 4: Tea and Crumpets in the Garden Breakfast was a simple enough affair, consisting of little more than a thick oat porridge topped with cream and fruits purchased in the town market. It was, however, filling and left Johnathan feeling as...
An Odder Feeling
# Chapter 3: An Odder Feeling The ride back was easy and uneventful. Johnathan let Ginny stray at the stream for a few moments in the darkness, cooling her hooves and taking a drink. He wanted to get home, but was in no rush. Seeing the lights...
An Odd Proposal
# Chapter 2: An Odd Proposal The rest of the day passed uneventfully enough. It wasn't until that evening that Johnathan saw Manson again. Sitting alone in the echoing dining room of the manor house, it still struck Johnathan as odd to sit at...
Picture Perfect
Bold brown and red letters proclaimed 'cailler's genuine swiss milk' over the scene of a uniformed boy selling chocolates to an elegantly-dressed woman in an edwardian railway station.