Part 9

"we were playing dodgeball. why else?" "well, you threw it a little too hard at him." "is he gonna be okay?" "with a little ice on that bruise and some rest, he'll be just fine." "i hope so. hey, i think he's waking up." i slowly opened my eyes.

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Kiah+Tacoma: The Encounter

The rest of my freshman friends were jabbering on about the church dodgeball tournament planned for the following evening. in all my life tacoma and i had hardly spoken a word to each other. aside from a casual hello.

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A New Day

Nbsp; after lunch i went to my last to subjects of the day: language arts, and p.e, they were both about as fun as watching grass grow, i remember younger days when all we would do in p.e is play dodgeball

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Thirty Two

Tacky or not, i couldn't just sit here and keep playing emotional dodgeball with myself. i had to ask him, point blank, what he really felt for me. slowly, i raised my head to look at him. "dex--" "amber," he said at the same time.

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Raspberry Line Chapter 11 - Dodge, Distract, Disorient, Deceive, And Destroy

They always did for a few minutes, deciding if they should actually teach or just have the kids play dodgeball. nothing to do but stare...and stare. things were a lot more fun with coach berts. he was a monster of a bear but had a heart of gold.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 32

I kinda believe her, she's really good at dodgeball. i hope your spring break goes well, i know i'll be catching up on sleep and stuff.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Eight

Dunning, who doubled as our pe teacher, and would sometimes hurl dodgeballs at us to make sure we were paying attention. after that was science with mr. eckles, who had once threatened to light me on fire. i liked him.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 17

A baby-blue mini-dodgeball rolled by, its pace slowing...slowing...until it finally stopped as emeral picked it up. "that," she said to her boyfriend, "was gross. i am _so_ going to get ritzer for that."

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Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 1

_ "dodgeball." the class cheered happily and chance felt his blood run strangely cold. "can i trust you all to split up evenly?"

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Raspberry Line Chapter 14

But it made her feel like that time in dodgeball, where he was watching her. his eyes were so different from any other kids'. his stare was so strange, like he was seeing x-rays of your bones or something. sometimes it made her shiver.

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Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 20

The one that hit me with a dodgeball." "the one that's going to kick you out of his room in a minute for trying to make him do something?" chance supplied jokingly.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 52

That girl was so timid she would faint in a game of dodgeball if one of the balls _rolled_ at her from across the court. the tigress took in a deep breath.

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