The Zootopian Experiment Chapter 9
I was thinking of something to say, until i was really lucky and chief bogo, called for clawhauser, as clawhauser said, "well i better get going, have a good day judy."
Zootopia 12/13
"you did what you could, clawhauser." bogo said, placing his hand on clawhauser's shoulder. "yeah, i guess." "benjamin." bogo said, stopping and looking the cheetah in the eye.
Guardian Blue: Thanks for the Fox - Chapter 2
clawhauser stood at attention, which was almost comical since he was so very round "i will do what i can," clawhauser promised. "what do you need?"
Adira Clawhauser Chapter 1
#1 of adira clawhauser this prequel story tells the tale of adira clawhauser, benjamin's elder sister. she was an elite cop, who stopped her service at the zpd due to a terrible tragedy.
The Zootopian Experiment Chapter 7
I answered thinking that clawhauser was just being overdramatic, "don't worry, what ever he is mad about, i can explain myself. i can get myself out of any situation."
Adira Clawhauser Chapter 12
Bogo paused to see the rhino nod, 'about clawhauser.' 'what about him?' 'you can't just ditch him like that, no matter how bad he is.'
Zootopia Park 1/??
"and i thought clawhauser was optimistic..."
Bradon (Wilde) Chapter 1
When i arrived back at the precinct i asked clawhauser to look up bradon's record. clawhauser typed the name in and said, "his record looks pretty clean, heck not even a speeding ticket.
Adira Clawhauser Chapter 19
From now on you're our front desk cheetah, ben- i mean, clawhauser.'
Zootopia: Brave New World - Things Getting Complicated
"clawhauser! what is this?" bogo asked, as the cheetah called "clawhauser" took deep breaths, to try to recompose himself, and he said. "j-just received another message from the officers in the bank...
Zootopia Park 11/??
clawhauser shrieked. suddenly, there was a honking from the street above as a pair of headlights appeared flying through the darkening sky, piercing the icy mist.
A Different Path: Chapter 2
He approached her almost cautiously, the other predator animals giving each other nervous looks as clawhauser reached her. "y-yes, sergeant," he asked somewhat nervously. judy thought very carefully about what she had to ask clawhauser.