The Forgotten Wolf Chapter 4: Prelude to Problems

Aniu came in and gently touched charity's shoulder, on charity's knee was a bit of rug burn, and it slowly went away. charity raised her arms up for aniu to pick her up. aniu, after picking charity up and holding her closely, looked at kunari.

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Chapter 7: Charity

Consider that such a gift of charity-" the word echos through kyra's mind as if he said it a thousand times. as if it was meant just for her. she was sure of it.

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Orelai- Charity Event

Anton wasn't entirely sure how he felt about the situation. He's done public events in the past, sometimes even in his projected form. But in the past, he was there to talk and take pictures. Or at most do like maybe one or two spells well away from...

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TFW Chapter 3: Welcome Home

charity growled and ran back to kunari. "i wanna stay with little brother!" silence followed charitys demand. aniu sighed. "what?!" kunari couldn't believe what he just heard. "you... called me brother... and little at that. why?" charity smiled at him.

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The Forotten Wolf, Chapter 2: Aniu's charity

charity growled and ran back to kunari. "i wanna stay with little brother!" silence followed charitys demand. aniu sighed. "what?!" kunari couldn't believe what he just heard. "you... called me brother... and little at that. why?" charity smiled at him.

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Zippy Zipperdale: Moderately Mad Scientist--The Eleventh Experiment

Rina put a sympathetic hand on charity's shoulder. charity looked up and her and smiled weakly. tapping the screen, mr.

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The Forgotten Wolf, Chapter 5: Hiding the Truth

Her answer didn't satisfy him, but when he saw charity smile, he let his eyes dart around a little more before resigning himself. "no.... i suppose not." he looked at charity again, and a feeling suddenly surged through him.


Tales from Silicon City 8: Bake Sale

Tomorrow a number of local chefs, bakers, and other purveyors of culinary delights were to meet together for a charity cookout and bake sale.

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Zippy Zipperdale: Moderately Mad Scientist-The Twelfth Experiment

But she couldn't seem to see where charity was. she didn't think charity would abandon rina, but where was she.

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Adventure in Misadventure Ch. 3

charity, and kindness both placed their hands upon the young squirrel's shoulders. "i'm here, i will help," charity said, her voice loud and booming, drowning out the cheers and whoops.

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Nat 1

charity, anything you can do to help him?" "not really." charity sighed. "i need at least five more levels before i have a spell that can reverse this. an arcane caster might be able to do it faster but... i doubt he can cast like that."

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Moyo Wa Shujaa 2

In the end, erik decided to travel to uganda and organize the charity event. and as erik prepared for his trip, he kept wondering if truly made the right choice.

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