Lost Into the Past Chapter 7

Just say 'carrion on a stick' .._ he thought to himself. after about 20 seconds of struggling, he was about to give up, but... "two carrion on a stick please." a voice called out, nathan looked up and saw mrs.

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Day 9

"it's the smell, not carrion, more like animal, lots of-" i was talking under my breath when karen supplied the answer. "dogs." she said, "lots of dogs." "i guess, yeah, harry, what do you think?"

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Lion King III: The Pridelands Reborn: Chapter I

I sniffed the air again, and caught another scent, like rotting carrion; hyenas. as i wandered across the sun-baked landscape, i unsurprisingly noticed a trio of hyenas nearby, looking very hungry.

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Lion King III: The Pridelands Reborn

I sniffed the air again, and caught another scent, like rotting carrion; hyenas. as i wandered across the sun-baked landscape, i unsurprisingly noticed a trio of hyenas nearby, looking very hungry.

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Sky Ocean Chapter 1

Victor with was significantly smaller than his son at just five feet three inches tall, which was due to the fact he was a common carrion crow.

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Little Wolf, Big Ordeal CH. 5 & 6

'i thought wolves were able to eat carrion.' 'they are, but only when they have to. i mean, we rather eat fresh fish than dead meat as well, don't we?' 'sure. man, how do you even know so much about wolves?'

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Blue Crimson Chapter 2

While the country side remained otherwise quiet, carrion birds had already begun to appear nearer trovis manor, for somehow they always knew when they would soon be feasting upon the corpses of the fallen and slain.

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Jumbe and Sala Chapter 6 Paradise Lost

He was fairly sure he smelled something delicious that he and sala could munch on, then again, he wasn't sure if sala would eat carrion if that was what he found.

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Ragnarok - XXII

I name thee husband of the carrion fowl! i name thee lost, and loser, and hopeless! i name thee twelfth arcana, the hanged man! i name thee martyr, name thee sacrifice! i name thee roland, sebastian, hector! i name thee mandos, gleaner of the dead!

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Heritage of Ash Chapter 2: Foreboding

Blades and arrows lay scattered and broken amidst the bloody debacle that had already begun to attract scavengers and carrion bird, always seeming to know when and where a meal will be present.

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Kovu and Mipa: First impressions

He gestured with his nose to the exposed ribcage and fresh carrion just beyond the skull on the other side of the clearing. mipa tossed her head in a curse and paused to look back at the empty eyed pig skull. "i know you told me to clean up!"

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The Outlander 3 25

Then i'll leave your carcass out in the sun for the carrion to pick clean!" the unfortunate ninja knew it was futile to squirm under jagee's grip, so he tried to justify himself. "please lordship, i was only repeating what i heard.

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