Indigo Nights- Chapter 17:Time

I know what you've buried there, and it's not zephyr, he's locked away in the basement, buried in a whole different way. the sooner this thing is out of our way, the sooner we can save him."


Revolution | Chapter IV: Love Never Dies

Why did she want to help me bury my parents? if she was on the side of the task masters then she wouldn't be helping me bury two people who obviously did something wrong to be shot and killed.

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Leap of Faith (Original)

And burying abilities takes a massive amount of power, which he is in lack of. these were just buried naturally, without his knowledge."

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Is there hope?

Is there something i can find buried deep in my mind, an allure which ensures me of hope?

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the Fantastic adventures of Doctor Erwin and IRIS (part 1)

.^ i hope you enjoy it (oh and because im brand spanking new to this site im not quite sure how the format works yet sorry if its all jacked up) "are you ever going to bury that cat?!" loki screeches, "what? no way! doctor erwin is still alive!!"


Tales of The Thief King: Chapter 5: The Path Ahead.

However, they weren't in a state for you to look at, so i have already partially buried them, but i want you to finish the task, so you can say good bye and hopefully let their spirits know you are safe."

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One Drink Is All I Need

Do i rely too much on something that gives me an edge and keeps me cool when i'm buried under pressure? others say yes, others say no i say i do what i can to survive this hell on earth and free my mind and heart that's been buried for so long.


Dawn of Chaos Pt 7

When i came to the young priest who had died at the podium i drew out the pendant i had taken from him and placed it back around his neck before burying him.

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Indigo Nights- Chapter 11: Paris

Kamala buries her claws into the polished dance floor as she regains her balance, disorientated by the lights and music.

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Prolog, the story begins

The men buried the dead while the woman and children salvaged what they could from the remains of the village. during mid day a cloaked man walked toward one of the men burying his fallen brother.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 90

She just saw her own mother getting buried alive. _buried alive..._ ander forced himself up on his feet and almost immediately fell over again.

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