Wolf Moon Chap 5

"a week ago when you would talk to anyone because you were too distracted by that girl to notice that i was bitten then was missing for three days" he yelled. "i'm sorry but can we talk ...."

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Pack Pride

Even had we planned to kill him, he dazed, or in redpelts case mutilated, 4 of the members of our patrol before being rolled, bitten in the paw, and pinned."

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I was a gay teenage zombie

Until he was bitten by a mysterious zombie boy. now, jay has far more on his mind than he can handle.

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The Doctors of Doom, Part Six

Except for him, all the kats bitten and converted by the ci-kat-a had been accounted four - the three enforcers killed, the five masa guards captured and imprisoned for study.

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A fur at Freddy's: Christmas nightmare (part 6)

Billy asked "you know the kid that got bitten at fredbear's?" we nodded.

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A furr at Freddy's: your greatest nightmare! (part 1)

** _the year is 1987... the pizza place has closed down, i dont know why, but i herd its bad, some kid was bitten... that is all i know... my name is tod._ fredbear says "all right kids, it's almost time to close-up for the day, remember tomorrow there is

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Little Wolf, Big Ordeal CH. 2

When she noticed what it was that had bitten her, her surprise only intensified. the little wolf clung fast to his prey, nibbling and chewing.

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a Long night (Draft) (Inspired by "The Pack" by Kandrel)

I recently bought a camcorder to record the things that would happen in the forest, i've heard a group of little kids being bitten by a stray wolf, poor guys next time they should think before getting close to stray dogs.

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A decapitated brain can still bite, and many hunters in areas have been bitten by a decapitated head, only to suffer a miserable fate.

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A decapitated brain can still bite, and many hunters in areas have been bitten by a decapitated head, only to suffer a miserable fate.

Homonus Nocturna - Chapter 3 - Resisting the Change

Poor eli had been bitten, and now he was well on his way from transitioning from anthronian to vampire, and all of it was her doing.

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Mesozoic Park 2 (Part 8)

#9 of mesozoic park 2 the team member that was bitten, crawled into his tent and fell asleep very soon.

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