2:7 Hell's City

Your..." he paused for a second, "benefactor tells me that he doesn't care how you put an end to him, as long as its done quickly." studying the picture the stoat looked up at his contact. "what's the time pressure? flight risk?"

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Alpha, England's Otter Assassin

And his benefactors were getting as nervous as he. alpha had received more than one message from his superiors. it was a time sensitive mission, they said.

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Cottonpuff Sweets

I told her i was merely a benefactor, and that the hat was enchanted (for puffie had told me this once, long ago) in such a way that whoever wore it would attract their true love the moment they laid eyes on one another.

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Day 1

Hunger pains set in, i had missed who knows how many meals now, it was time to spend some of my benefactors money.


Anemone High Ch. 0 - Introduction

I'd like to take a moment to thank all of our kind benefactors for putting so much time and effort into furthering our students' learning. and lately, i'd like to remind all of the students to head to the infirmary should they ever feel sick or hurt.

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March of Progress - Rainfurrest 2013 Flash Fiction

I know you've all worried about where you'll go, what you'll do, but rest assured, we stand before you today as your benefactors!

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Fates of the Ferals: Longing

His benefactor chuckled. "well, you have the air of someone who is set up for a date," he said. "i'm just saying, my truck is up here, and i could give you a ride if you have someone expecting you. my pleasure and all that."

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Chapter Zero-Complete: Origin of Nothing, Origin of Everything

My benefactor truly knows how to make a man happy. i finally have all i need for my research. ah, i suppose i should write down what it is! well, i believe that to perfect life, one must draw out it's darkness. power is strength, and darkness is power.

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It wasn't the sonar, as their benefactor had claimed, and it had some unique redundant systems he couldn't figure out the function of.

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Epilogue: The Redemption of Lily Marks

You see, you have another benefactor.\*_ he tilted his head to one side. "oh?" _\*someone who has recently decided your well being is important.\*_ "um...well, there's... you mean in my plane or...?"

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Clarity - Chapter 16: Frayed

In response, the cracked ground beneath our quarry begins sprouting, marked with the power i was gifted so graciously by our hooded benefactor.

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A Price for Everything pt 3

Instinct, or perhaps a nudge from his "benefactor" despite the rules, told him to tuck his wings, and he peeled into a dive just as talons scraped his tail feathers.

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