Dinosaur: The Nesting Grounds (or Stuck Fast)

It started after his first hatchlings had left the nest. The Nesting Grounds were lush and green, a far cry from the cruel desert that lay beyond the mountains. Like Aladar and Neera, some of the herd had settled down and had hatchlings of their own,...

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How I Became a Dragon (transformation and fat furs)

# How I Became a Dragon, by Zigzak 'Tell us about it!' I demanded excitedly. Bertie shifted uncomfortably on the spot, trying awkwardly to find a comfortable sitting position that did not squash his thick tail. 'Are you sure that you want...

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Korongo: The Beginnings - Chapter Two: Eyes for Another

**Chapter 2** ** ** The lioness's paws slid over the dirt as she tried to gain as much traction as the dusty surface would give her. She was sprinting; adrenaline pumping through her body as she closed in with the rest of the huntresses on the...

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