Presto - Chapter 12
Summer came and went, and with it another successful and unbelievably enjoyable and fulfilling FPLA charity event. They had raised more money, and had more guests than any previous year. Arden had more responsibility and visibility on the steering...
Presto - Chapter 11
The next weekend, David called Arden. To Arden, that week had seemed as interminable as the previous ten months, but the worry and fear disappeared like a puff of magic smoke the minute he heard the fennec's voice. "Hey Arden." The fox sounded...
Presto - Chapter 10
_It was almost a year before I saw him again_. Fresh tears ran down the wolf's muzzle as he shifted on his rickety wooden throne - king of his castle and all the hundred-and-fifty square feet of bachelor's apartment that he surveyed. Pages and pages of...
Presto - Chapter 9
"They don't have a great home life, and nobody really cares about them," David said around a mouthful of sub sandwich. "And so they don't really care about themselves. I met them at a party, and they were..." David's ears fell backward, and his eyes...