Chapter 6 Tremendously Stupid

Tremendously Stupid Chapter 6 Etienne made love to Decius far longer than he had originally intended to. But then . . . it was always that way. By the time he was dressed and climbing out the window, it was five in the morning and the sun was coming...

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Chapter 5 Good Luck

Good Luck Chapter 5 Azrian didn't leave the Nahet immediately. She knew Ti'uu would protect her from Ayni's wrath and rode Meba as fast as she could back to the giant tree in which she, Nhlahla, and Sampson lived. She could see the glow of Sampson's...

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Epilogue The light was so bright, Aina couldn't see. Everything was white, and rising around her ankles, she could feel the damp thickness of clouds. All around, voices were singing, and she could hear wings rustling as birds flew in silhouette...

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Chapter 43 Good News

Good News Chapter 43 Aina sat beside Red Mane in the carriage as it bumped along the cobbled road. Outside the window, rain pelted the streets in endless symphony, and the hooves of the horse pulling them along seemed to fall in rhythm with each...

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Chapter 42 Strawberry Tarts

Strawberry Tarts Chapter 42 Evelyn sat up in bed, smiling as she nursed her tiny son, her white curls a mass around her shoulders, her gown pulled down to expose one heavy breast. The pup had been born a King Shepherd, golden fur with a black snout,...

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Chapter 32 Let's Get Married

Let's Get Married Chapter 32 After her meeting with Ti'uu, Aina's tribe seemed to prosper and thrive all the more. They asked her if they now had permission to begin digging burrows, and Aina kept the sorrow from her face as Ti'uu's words came back...

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Prologue The fox threw her basket and ran full tilt through the trees, her eyes wide with panic and fear, her mane and tail streaming. Her heart was thrumming in her ears: they were coming. They were coming! Behind her, hooves pounded the earth in...

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Chapter 33

Chapter 33 **Twenty Years Later ** Tyne coughed on his back, his lashes fluttering as the sunlight teased his eyelids with their warmth. He could hear the sea crashing softly, could hear the last remnants of his little boat slapping each other. The...

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Chapter 25

Chapter 25 After everyone had settled down, Theo decided to take Roan home. Lea insisted on going to Zaldon's home to check on her father, and Roan insisted on accompanying his distraught mother there: he, too, was worried for Loryn. Zane also left...

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Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Theo couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Kilyan had actually _kissed_ that big, long-fanged prisoner. And Yuri choked him! If Kilyan had not talked her down, Theo knew the prisoner would be dead right now. It was more than obvious...

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Extra Chapter: Peaches

Extra Chapter Peaches King Eyrrothaz stood on the wide balcony of his bedroom, reading and rereading the tearstained letter in his paw. It had been scrawled hastily and the ink was smeared where Nizhoni's tears had hit. But he could get the gist...


Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Kel sat outside alone, on the rooftop of Roan's modest home, on a wooden bench, with a glass of violet wine on the small table beside him. Roan's potted plants and flowers were everywhere. Wolves revered nature, and gentle Roan had...

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