Curse of the Werewolf

--- Curse of the Werewolf Through the underbrush he ran, desperate to reach the clearing in time. After decades of living with the curse, he had learned several tricks to maintaining his secret. One of the most...

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Ch. 7 -- Mass Transit

--- Mass Transit Public transport had always been a nightmare for the rabbit. The claustrophobic closeness of pressing bodies, the random jostling of the transport, and of course the smells. Combined with the waves of...

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Ch. 6 -- Trust

--- Trust Ironically it turned out to be much easier for Shannon to get her identification updated and accepted by Internal Security than it did with the security system for her own apartment. "Voice print and retinal scans...

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Ch. 12 -- Burn the Past

--- Burn the Past The windstorm had died down and the local star was rising above the horizon by the time Shannon returned to the claim site. Parking the truck next to the front door, she unloaded the supplies they had...

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Ch. 11 -- Exodus

--- Exodus Shannon filled Miranda in on some of the lesser known details of her own escape from the family business. She didn't have time to tell her everything, but it was enough to make her realize that it was not a...

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Ch. 10 -- Sister Shotgun

--- Sister Shotgun A fifty kilometer walk across barren wastes in near freezing temperatures was not the worst thing Shannon had ever had to do, but she began to question her decision to do so before she reached the halfway...

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Make Room

Chief palmed the access pad next to the large bulkhead door, and it slid upwards into the ceiling. Why this door was here was a mystery to him. It didn't seal off anything. The walls on either side of the door were perforated with pipes and wiring, and...

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The Engineer's Curse

Elrod had only been an engineer's mate for three days and already he had learned more than he had in five years of technical school. He had learned that what was written in design manuals rarely had any bearing on how a system worked in the real world....

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Ch. 2 -- Dragon

--- Dragon There were many protocols to be followed when working as an agent for Internal Security, the most important of which was usually to remain inconspicuous. To be as socially invisible as possible in any location or situation. To blend in...

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Ch. 4 -- Reboot

--- Reboot "What do you think you are doing?", shouted Preston in a panicked voice, as he edged away still clutching the coins. "Funny, I was just asking myself the same question", growled the dragon, as he retrieved a long tuning fork shaped...

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Shannon continued..

"How long have you been online?" he asked as he watched various data fields on the report changing by them self. Most notably, a proper name now appeared in the previously blank 'Identification' field. He did not recognize the name, but it certainly...

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What remained of her body, had been laid out on an examination table. Pausing at the door, he took in the carnage before him. The once sterile room now smelled of roasted meat, burnt hair, and explosive residue. He had seen far worse in the war, but...

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