david's college days part twenty

This is the truth of Mr. STORM and miss dragon this is to read only by the people of yiffstar it is top secret so if you read it keep it to your selves. It all happed a couple of years ago now, after the fieldtrip were David and pippin had...


david's college days part nineteen

After he came out of his two week coma David set about getting better and finding out who tried to kill him or stop him from walking seeing as a wheelchair was not very good skip gear yes to carrying things but no good for rummaging and most places...

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david's college days part eighteen

Coming home one day from work David and Sarah were listening to the radio instead of cassettes mainly because David forgot the case of cassettes but after a song ended up came an ad for a music festival David and Sarah listened they liked music...

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david college days part fifteen and sixteen

After losing there jobs and losing everything else David and Sarah were now back on track and getting a good amount of money but they still like to do Carboot sales but now they had more seeing as when the new owner's moved in they left the old Carboot...

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david's college days part fourteen

It had been a long and hard year for David and Sarah and now they were in the poor house they had to sell the house they had repaired and lived in for nearly one and a half years and sell the Austin all to pay for the debit they owed to the store...

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david's college days part thirteen

David knew there was lots of empty shop where he worked, so on one of his break's he went to go see the manger of the shopping centre to discuss his idea. After a long hour of talking with the manger he said "I like this shop it could be good...

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david's college days part nine

After the wedding and a house warming party David and Sarah began to unwrap the wedding gifts and find nice places for them and then it was time to move on to all the stuff from there house's to this house. Two people came to fix the electrics and...

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david's college days part five

It was now getting to the half term holiday and Mr. STORM had arranged a sleep over in a spooky house, it was going to be cool, but little did they know it would be there last knight of not being afraid of thing that go bump in the night! The four...

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david's college days part three

It was a warm and cool night David was walking home with pippin, her home was not too far away. David knew this wasn't about homework she was mad for David. As pippin open the front door to her "parents" home David was greeted by a complete...

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the wet fox part four ending

It was now a mouth since Dean had had sex with Emma, and he was noticing some changes with Emma, she was eating strange things, pickled eggs with cheese tosted and fryed eggs with mayo. In the morning she would go to the loo and be sick, Dean just...

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The wet fox part two

After a few minutes it hit Dean he was sharing a tree house with a beautiful and some what cute dragoness who was always nude. "Where are my clothes?, only it's a bit chilly in here". "There in the wash or in this case there in the out side wash,...

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the wet fox

It was evening, a light shower had passed though the forset it was very wet and slippy. Dean was walking home from college, he is a fox about 20-23 he was about 5'11 or there abouse he had just finshed a three year course on hair dressing of...

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