Brave New Realm: Diggy Diggy Hole

"What do you mean Everrett's missing?" A guard wilted slightly, "He has vanished, we don't know where he went. Or even why he would do such a thing. He's been loyal to the crown for... twenty years!" Graf's head was throbbing as he sat there, doing...

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Getting Some Answers

The trip to the estate was thankfully silent, if rather bouncy. Teeth gritting as the battered and beaten Magpie closed their eyes and leaned back. Healers had been waiting for them outside the Palace of Ice. Spells worked to ease the aches, quickly...

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Brave New Realm: Palace of Ice

It took nearly an hour before they reached their destination. A large, low marble structure on the opposite side of town from the catacombs. The Palace ofa Ice it seems. Guards hopping out as the carts stopped, helping the group out as needed. Yoren,...

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