Paying Rent

The jaguar yawned widely and dove into a gleeful stretch. Today was just as relaxed as any other. She pawed across the living room having just re-entered her house, gift in hand. Sam was overall somewhat of a false figure. She appeared proud and...

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An Age Unbecoming Pt 1

Truly, life could not get much better. It all started with a simple decision. A simple decision to step up the game, to show the world what she could really do. Now everything was at her leisure. The leisure of a mind freed from pressure and...

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A Night to Forget Pt. 2: The Game of Life

It's strange. My depression, I mean. I don't think I totally understood it for the grand majority of my life. It just came at some point, unpacked and stuck around. Granted, yes, I've already given you a couple reasons regarding just why I'd want to...

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Down a Rung

If all went according to plan, this would be a good day. The black-furred wolf, clad in only a green gown matching her sharp eyes, paced the hallway beside her room--having been woken up on abrupt call--whilst cradling the phone between neck and...

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It was around noon, as scheduled. It seemed too easy, though--that was the problem. She'd mulled it over for some time, and by now Fiela had made a decision regarding her ostensible date. This wolfess was the last person to be played for a fool. She...

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On Origin's Eve

There it was, just at the edge of his vision. Shapes of varying sizes approached his destination on the horizon, slowly closing in, attempting to siege and steal his salvation. The light of midday shone brightly through the frail cloud-cover, reminding...

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Royal Flush

You wouldn't imagine the butterflies in my stomach at this very moment. Ridiculous. It's like a couple just built a nest in there. I think I'd never been as nervous as I was right then. I mean, I guess I knew what I signed up for, and I had about a...

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