TCN Interview, Donald and Daniel Orr
What is your name: My name is Donald, Mine's Daniel. Yes, someone mentioned something about interviewing us individually, but no one stopped me when I entered the interview room a few minutes after Danny. No, I didn't lie. No one asked my name,...
TCN Interview, Robert Orr
What is your name: Robert Orr Where were you born: New York City, NY Do you have any family: I have three sons, three brothers, a father, and mother. My own wife died of cancer. Thank you. Where do you see yourself in 10 years: 10 years?...
The Lord Tiranis, An Origin (excerpt)
**The Lord Tiranis, An Origin, Part 1** **A story of the past** The next two weeks proved to be great. If not for all the test the scientist put him through it would be amazing, but the sex made it all worthwhile. He got to experience it with all...
TCN Interview, Bobby Orr
What is your name: It is Bobby Orr. Where were you born: In Pittsburgh, Pensylvania. Do you have any family: I do, two brothers, five nephews and eight great nephews. No, I have no children of my own. Oh, My kids? They're simply a group of...
TCN interview: Adam Orr
What is your name: Adam Orr Where were you born: San Francisco. Do you have any family: Yep, seven brothers, two fathers, three uncles, and two great uncles. Yes, Patrick is my brother. Not my half brother, my brother. I don't see why him...
TCN Report - Orr Family/The Society
Welcome to a special TCN segment. A few weeks ago, for a different segment, Trzkt Kitty of Timeline HSE-635 asked a question about the Orr family of Timeline KYD-954. We couldn't get to that question because that wasn't the Timeline we were covering,...
Going Home, Prologue (an Excerpt)
Going Home, Prologue Eric smiled as he looked the gunmetal gray car over, now there was a color he never thought he'd see out of the army. He didn't recognize the model and he made just to look away before he saw any other details. "Is anyone...
The Lord Tiranis, An Origin, Part 2 (2nd half) (an excerpt)
The Lord Tiranis, An Origin, Part2 (2nd half) An Excerpt Tiranis is a world of humans and furries, of super science and super powers, of ordinary people and extraordinary ones. Stories of the Past is a series of stories exploring the history of...
Wasteful Death, CH 09
Marlot straightened up with a start and looked around momentarily confused. He'd been sitting next to Trembor's bed for hours, nodding off every so often. He looked at the lion lying there peacefully with a tube running out of his good arm. He'd...
Going Home, Great Oaks, Part 1 (an Excerpt)
Going home: Great Oaks, Part 1 It was a loop. One of the logical conundrum one of the sergeants liked to recite. He could break the window, that would cut the loop, but it would attract attention. He widened the diagram to include the entire door...
Going Home: Harland Part 6 of 6 (Excerpt)
Vivianne reappeared. "He's almost here." Eric stood. "Unarmed?" She nodded. "He calmed down during the walk." "Herman, Yaimie, you know what to do." Herman opened the door and they place on each side. Eric stood a dozen paces away, Anita...
Going Home: Harland Part 5 of 6 (Excerpt)
Going Home is a series that Explores the city of Tiranis through the eyes of Eric Clarkson, a returning veteran, who finds that the city has changed more than he expected in his absences. Each section of the series will focus on a different part of...