Ch. 14: Albrand, Village of Ideals

Chapter 14 - Albrand, Village of Ideals 16th Day of Manul 118 I.E. For a time, Bart remained stationed in Olaraa. He soon realized that Gantors pulled some strings to keep him in the city for an extended period of time. Once in a while, the...

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Ch. 12: The Evergloom Woods

Chapter 12 - The Evergloom Post 16th Day of Abyss 118 I.E. Time passed quickly as Bart's training came to a close. Hilfa offered him constant advice and helped him to improve his performance to at least the bare minimum of standards that were...

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Ch. 10: War

Chapter 10 - War 12th Day of Shinixuroc 117 I.E. Bart crouched low behind a bush, trying his best to remain as hidden as possible. The green paints that he'd smeared over his fur stunk and left him feeling sticky as the hardened liquid pulled...

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