"The Thin Line," Part RR
\*\*\*\*\* In the dawn mists, the ant-borne host moved across the ice, to the strain of the occasional oliphant, but other than that, in unnerving silence. As they got closer, I began to make out the emblems that they were wearing on their great...
"The Thin Line," Part QQ
\*\*\*\*\* I could swear that I had been out for only a few minutes when a paw started shaking my shoulder. Blinking awake, I couldn't tell precisely what time it was, since there was now a curtain tacked over the entrance to the dugout. I almost...
"The Thin Line," Part PP
\*\*\*\*\* In a few minutes, I was seated on an overturned biscuit box, greedily sucking down mug after mug of hot, sweetened tea. By the time I had finished my third one, my paws stopped shaking and my breathing had returned to something...
"The Thin Line," Part OO
\*\*\*\*\* There's an old joke about a recipe book, where the first step in preparing a feral rabbit stew is "first, catch your rabbit." It was all well and good that we were on the way back home. The problem was that the forest in between our...
"The Thin Line," Part NN
\*\*\*\*\* Each fur has their own individual way of preparing for an important operation. In the case of Aethelwulf, he was impassively sorting, counting, resorting and piling his lead ammunition. Meadow carefully checked her equipment. I...
"The Thin Line," Part MM
\*\*\*\*\* Standing amidst the results of an armed clash is rarely the kind of circumstance which inspires conversation. Or even somewhat rational thought. Meadow merely folded her arms and looked at me bemusedly as I checked over our recently...
"The Thin Line," Part LL
In the days after the Solstice, I continued to aggressively patrol the area around Lark's Rise at night, under the watchful gaze of the moon, Fuma's Tail, and what I imagined was a number of the residents of that small hamlet. A number of the furs...
"The Thin Line," Part KK
\*\*\*\*\* There was, in fact, a good reason why I had a faceful of mashed potato that had been administered to me by some of the squaddies. For generations, there is a tradition that in Army, the Solstice Night dinner is an excuse for...
"The Thin Line, Part JJ
\*\*\*\*\* Sartorial issues aside, there were still a number of nagging issues behind my back, which were mainly centered on the Gazers of Fuma's Musk. Not that the Abbot and the monks were hostile -- far from it. I was always met with...
"The Thin Line," Part II
\*\*\*\*\* The early part of December brought with it, on the surface, a good deal of Solstice cheer. Some of this came courtesy of GHQ in Persoc Tor, which took special care with the delivery of rations and pay to the Mossford garrison. In spite...
"The Thin Line," Part HH
\*\*\*\*\* Any fur observing me for most of the afternoon would have decided that I was either bored or that I had gone somewhat around the bend. The squaddies who were continuing work on the forts were probably of the latter view, since most...
"The Thin Line," Part GG
\*\*\*\*\* Morning roll-call was read off for Thorn Platoon. Remarkably, with the obvious exceptions of Lt. Kedgeay and Sgt. Crater, attendance was consistently very good. Some of this may have been a matter of morale, as the payment the squaddies...