Identity: Chapter Thirty-Five
CHAPTER THIRY-FIVE NED The moment the badger family disappeared from view, both of the TV announcers started talking at once, tripping over each other in their haste to explain what had just happened. Ned's focus had already left the television...
Identity: Chapter Thirty
CHAPTER THIRTY ALANA Alana Wittmore had purchased the Summer Fun Inflatable Swimming pool for approximately $379.99, including tax. Technically it was probably an excessive acquisition, considering that the Wittmores had only intended to be in San...
Identity: Chapter Twenty-Eight
CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT MIKEY The white Prius was a gift from Joey's grandmother. She'd died two years earlier, and the car had been sitting unused in a car lot since then, as Joey felt it was a yuppie car more suited for suburban families than for a...
Identity: Chapter Twenty-Six
CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX MIKEY Mikey awoke with a shriek, panting madly, fur on end, eyes bulging. Gasping for breath, he gripped the sheets so tightly he thought he'd rip holes in them, sitting up straight in bed so he could stare into the darkness,...
Identity: Chapter Twenty-Five
CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE NED Almost as one, there was a collective gasp from the audience. Ned felt his jaw fall down in shock. The screen was supposed to have shown something to do with SF Metro's distinguished history, but instead, it showed a clear...
Identity: Chapter Twenty-Two
CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO MIKEY St Anne's Memorial Hospital was a sprawling, modernist building, mostly glass and steel, with the hospital's name spelled out in large red letters. Mikey had been there a few times before, but only so far as the parking...
Identity: Chapter Eighteen
CHAPTER EIGHTTEEN MIKEY Joey wanted to go out that night, so Mikey had relented into going to dinner at a steakhouse called the Bunkhouse, which according to one of Joey's friends at the hospital, served decent prime rib. The place was crazy busy,...
Identity: Chapter Sixteen
CHAPTER SIXTEEN NED "Please tell me this didn't actually happen" Lennox said. Ned wanted to look away, to look at anything other than the lieutenant's expression of disappointment, whether that be out the window, where it was foggy yet again,...
Identity: Chapter Eleven
CHAPTER ELEVEN NED Lugosi's, Nolan and Scarlett's favourite Italian restaurant, was a waterfront establishment located not far from San Fernando's port, and not surprisingly, the menu featured a number of dishes that involved seafood with some...
Identity: Chapter Nine
CHAPTER NINE NED The next morning Lennox called a conference in the press room, where Ned and Scarlett had already been busy putting up photos and notes from the Fincher and Sota crime scenes along with arrows and scribbling on the whiteboard...
Identity: Chapter Eight
CHAPTER EIGHT MIKEY Mikey listened to the television long enough for the announcer to switch to a different topic before he turned to Joey. "Well, that was depressing." The black and white Border Collie nodded soberly. "The man's crazier than a...
Identity: Chapter Seven
CHAPTER SEVEN NED After work, the members of the San Fernando Metro Police Department, Homicide Division, were in the habit of frequenting a bar called Salty Sebastian's, a place that catered mainly to canids, although the owner, Salty Sebastian,...