Applejack Vs Eight Star
Eight Star wasn't much of a risk taker, but when it came to food, he didn't mess around. Normally his food stores were filled to the brim, but because Trixie incinerated the shopping list and didn't tell anypony, his food storage ended up at bare floor...
Rainbow Dash Vs Eight Star
Eight Star was surrounded. His position had been compromised by his earlier appearance in the royal court, and the crystal wasn't back to its full energy yet. He stood before the entrance in a black cloak and hood as multiple military stallions...
The Tale of Thorns - Chapter 1
The sound of chickens squawking was one of the many ambient sounds in the village of Gravaad. Above, the moon and many bright stars bathed the dodeeja villagers in their welcoming light while they went about their nightly tasks. Children laughed and...