Pale Shade of Blue

Ice-cold blue Snowfall makes the den a tomb Waited to parley with you Trusted all your words untrue Lives all fading War cries sound louder than the ocean's crash You supply the weapons and he'll provide the wrath Rebellion breaks a father's...

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Guro Challenge #25: Organs

Blaggut supposed Slipp was right, he was an idiot; a clever beast would have asked what the word "quarantine" actually meant before going to find out for himself. Of course he'd been caught and thrown out, amid many curses from the healers (he didn't...

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A Curious Fleet: Nagru/Silvamord

Three days a year Nagru and Silvamord make a truce. The rats know it's coming when her scent begins to change and she walks with her tail stiff; Nagru is less vicious to her, yet more tense. They avoid eye contact all evening as they eat their fill,...

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Guro Challenge #23: Nosebleed

"Oh, I say, m'dear! Are you quite alright?" "Why wouldn't I be?" Clecky put a claw to his nosetip, and said "Your snout, Grath, it's bleeding. Did you bump it, wot?" "Oh, that!" Grath's paw came away from her whiskers with blood on it. "It's...

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