Fugitive's Trust Prologue Part 1
**_Howls: Book One_**** , Chapter 14, verses 3-8** 3 A great scourge will come from the north, bringing weapons and terror unknown. It will tread over our ancient enemy as though they were soft soil and it will threaten the wolves with...
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 10 Part 1 of 2
**A Ship Called Hope Part I:** **Fugitive's Trust** **Chapter 10: Oasis (Part 1 of 2**) The sign read "East Oasis 100 kilometers." It was about the middle of their nightly walk and, it was very encouraging. "We might get there tomorrow," Gregor...
Fugitives' Trust Chapter 9 Part 2 of 2
**Fugitives' Trust** **Chapter 9: Recovery (Part 2 of 2)** * * * Farnsbeck wanted to go with Magenta to get the groceries, but she insisted he stay put. "Clients pay for the shopping to be done, they don't go themselves," she'd warned. He'd...
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 9 Part 1 of 2
**Fugitives' Trust Chapter 10: Recovery Part 1 of 2** Farnsbeck reigned his summoned horse in after riding up the riverbank and onto the road. The fact that there was a bridge here was hopeful. Maybe the two wolves had found and hooked up with...
Fugitives' Trust Chapter 8 Part 2 of 2
Fugitives' Trust Chapter 8 Part 2 of 2 * * * The difficulty, Farnsbeck soon discovered, of heading straight towards East Oasis was two-fold. Not only did the terrain fail to cooperate, but it became pretty obvious that there was no way his quarry...
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 8 Part 1 of 2
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 8: The Long Road (Part 1 of 2) * * * The area around the bridge was wooded and clear, but Gregor warned that there was some desert between them and East Oasis. "I'm sure we have enough food," he told her, "but the water...
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 7 Part 2 of 2
Chapter 7: Running River (Part 2 of 2) * * * Meeting a third time in the same location really bothered Farnsbeck. It was getting likely that one of them or both had been seen at that alley. He was about to chide his fellow about it but decided there...
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 7 Part 1 of 2
Chapter 7: Running River (Part 1 of 2) * * * It was a very long few hours, Sajani was sure. She used some of the time to make sure the waterskins were filled. One of the two canteens she'd been carrying had cracked, so they weren't as short on...
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 6 Part 2 of 2
**Chapter 6: Crushed (Part 2 of 2)** * * * Benayle waited patiently in the part of the palace complex housing the Ministry of State. He could tell that his presence there was making the staff very nervous. The area just outside Lady Mishil's office...
What Once Was Eden: Chapter 5 Part 3 of 4
What Once was Eden Chapter 5: Competing for Hope (Part 3 of 4) Sajani started by trying to get information from Farleesha. She saw the trader riding around a few times that morning, but the brown wolf never responded to her attempts to persuade...
What Once Was Eden: Chapter 5 Part 2 of 4
What Once Was Eden **Chapter 5: Competing for Hope (Part 2 of 3)** Messy entered just as they were finishing. He was cheerful and smiling broadly. "Time for the _kalura_ and her _kastil_ to get in their box," he said happily. Sajani laughed....
What Once Was Eden: Chapter 5 Part 1 of 4
What Once Was Eden Chapter Five: Competing for Hope (Part 1 of 3) Sajani woke to hear voices talking nearby. She recognized Gregor's voice almost immediately. It took a little more consciousness before she recognized Messy's. Gregor was saying,...