Interspecies Diplomacy for Beginners

**Lazhug & Brute** - Interspecies Diplomacy for Beginners Lazhug Gro-Sharog paused in her exercise as she heard a polite knock on her door. Straightening up, she mopped the sweat from her brow and set down the massive stone club she used for her...

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Deus Ex Machina

**Deus Ex Machina** - Chapter 19 of the Legends of the DragonRider Anitra held on tight to the small, squirming body of the Siren, Kleomene, as Blake flew towards the two closely-spaced mountain-peaks. Blacks like him still generally used that...


Luck Be a Lady

**Luck Be a Lady** - Chapter 20 of the Legends of the DragonRider It was with a deep breath that Anitra once again stepped into the altar-room which had, literally overnight, become one of the most tightly-secured areas in the entire Citadel - which...
