Stories From Elton High | Chapter 26
I'm not sure who's more surprised at this point, Sam or me. He stares at me for a while longer before starting class. "Okay, everyone get in the water." I keep waiting for him to approach me or pull me aside, but he doesn't. He assigns us some simple...
Fix or Forget | Part 1
Memories are nasty little creatures. They have a habit of sneaking up on you when you are most vulnerable. Like a loan shark, they wait patiently until you're trapped somewhere; then, they pounce. My memories came for me as I lay in a hospital...
Stories From Elton High | Chapter 17
"My name is Arden." He had to hold on to the podium to keep his paws from shaking. "A little while back, I was presented with the opportunity to write an essay. I took it without looking into it much. All I heard then was 'Winner gets a fifty-thousand...
Stories From Elton High | Chapter 14
Mark wasn't waiting for him when he got home, so Arden decided to spend the free time researching topics for his essay. His fist thought was to just go with Wilde; the author's brilliance was severely underestimated during his lifetime; perhaps with...