A Chance of Showers - Part Twelve
This is the final chapter in the series. Thank you so much for reading along - I've truly enjoyed the experience!...
A Chance of Showers - Part Seven
"I don't get it," Kip said, feeling an all to unfamiliar warmth spreading through him, "Why the hell do they care?" "Because they're good men," Jake repeated, "and like it or not, they're your friends now. At least," he amended, "it's a start....
Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty-Two
From the chair in his private office, Negin Mal glared down at his personal guards from the raised platform he'd had constructed behind the desk to enhance his psychological advantage. To Mal's consternation, Victus's air of cool detachment hadn't...
A Chance of Showers - Part Five
Part Five Kip reached up and put a hand on Jake's cannonball of a shoulder. He almost expected Jake to pull away, but he stopped in his tracks and looked at him, annoyance and a little bit of insult very visible in his expressive brown eyes. "I'm...
Worlds Apart - Epilogue
...begin message... ...2466. "Attention! Attention! This authorized alert message from the Civilian Defense Bureau lasts two minutes and five seconds. This is not a drill. Please listen to this end of this message for important...
A Chance of Showers - Part Nine
Part Nine Some hope had returned to Jake's eyes. "So you're not going to kick me to the curb?" "Well, not right now," Kip said, feigning disinterest, "but I might later." Jake's relieved smile was bright enough to shame the sun....
A Chance of Showers - Part Eight
"Good night, meathead," Kip returned, putting his hand on top of Jake's and holding it in place as he scooted an inch closer to his friend. For a reason he couldn't quite explain, Jake let him keep hold of his hand. He'd never let another man hold his...
A Chance of Showers - Part Four
Kip finished dressing as quickly as he was able, and by the time he zipped his gym bag closed and turned around, Jake was straddling the other bench, waiting patiently for him. "Thank you." Kip said, hoping with all his heart that his eyes could...
Worlds Apart - Chapter Ten
"Relax." "I should be telling you the same thing," Bo said, bluntly. "You look like shit." "I am...aware of that." The Kenzine wished that he could express his frustration, but to do so would have been counterproductive. Had his hair not been...
Worlds Apart - Chapter Seven
Dan threw himself out of bed in a frantic bid to escape the huge spiders that he'd just watched crawl out of the mutilated corpses of his best friends. Half-blind with panic, his fingers scrabbled across the wall, frantically searching for the bathroom...
Worlds Apart - Chapter Fourteen
As always, thanks go out to TheGoldenUnicorn and JK Victus for their tireless help and friendship! Dan sucked the last of his drink through the straw with a satisfying slurp, earning a disapproving glare from of one of the matrons playing bridge at a...