The Outlander 3 38

**38** On the open seas the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months. With the massive tides of the world pulling against the small vessel, their progress back to Mossflower was at times painfully sluggish. When the spring was coming...

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The Outlander 3 37

**37** Ritsuko refused to leave Sandokhans' side, over the course of the night she helped heal Sandokhans' injuries whilst Mattimeo and the others prepared the casualties for burial. Sandokhan was the most bereaved by the death of his friend, but...

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The Outlander 3 35

**35** "Dead!" Claw exclaimed as one of his wearet guard brought him the news. "All of them?" "Oi'm afraid so, moi lord," "How?" The messenger then brought a cloth smeared in a thick black liquid. Claw took the cloth and sniffed. He recognised...

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The Outlander 3 34

**34** Ikkit Claw was finding it hard to sleep. In his mind, he felt as if something was in the room with him and staring at him as he lay dozing. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw a mental picture of his new palace engulfed in flame with the...

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The Outlander 3 33

**33** The mood of the resistance that same morning were sombre as the body of Sandokhans' father Christos was paraded to a grave freshly dug outside a tunnel that led to the sanctum of the resistance. When the body was laid into the grave, the...

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The Outlander 3 32

**32** Back at the resistances' sanctum, the monks were attending to the wounded GUOSIM shrews from Takashiro village. Several of Tsuzukus' otters were also wounded, some fatally. One of Tsuzukus' lieutenants, a burly looking otter was relating the...

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The Outlander 3 30

**30** General Gash had commanded all his garrisoned troops to board their respective vessels and set sail for Eshin as soon as possible. That night, the rat general walked along the western shoreline of Mochizuki waiting for Shraggs and his ship...

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The Outlander 3 29

**29** The escape tunnel was cool and comfortable compare to the searing heat of the burning mansion the slaves and warriors had escaped from. The mouse who had lead them to the tunnel bounded on ahead excitedly. "I can't believe you've come. You...

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The Outlander 3 28

**28** Out on the top step, Deadpaw had gathered his guard to watch for the intruders. The guards had peered over the top step to see below them but no-one was there. Some stormvermin became impatient and started conversing in hushed tones, "So,...

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The Outlander 3 27

**27** Back in Takashiro village, Sandokhan and his companions were hailed as heroes of the day. The old mouse Shiro had taken them into his house where a multiple course meal was prepared. The band of warriors had finished their rice which...

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The Outlander 3 26

**26** The next day in Takashiro, one of Ikkit Claws' patrols had been summoned to police the town. They heard of an incident involving a mouse been caught defacing a statue of Jagee in the square. All of the villagers were summoned to witness the...

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The Outlander 3 25

**25** Jagee had been busy making everybeast in Mochizuki respect him through fear and intimidation. Once Ikkit Claw came to power he made Master Krinz's old dojo his fortress and was bestowed the title of 'Steward of the Domain' by his new master....

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